liên hệ: Ms Liên


Cell phone: 0902937088


Fixed Price Repair and Standard Calibration for HMT310 Transmitter
Code: HMT315 5A5A1BCX14BJDA1A2

Code: HMP360 4E2A302
HMP360 Humidity and Temperature Transmitter series Probes; Probe type: HMP364 for pressurized processes; Probe length and probe cable length : Hmp364 2m Cable; Sensor type: Humicap 180l2; Reserved for future us; Sensor protection : Sintered Filter AISI 316L  HM47280; No Installation kit for probe; Ex Certification ATEX/VTT

Model: DMT143 G1C1A1A5A2ASX
Dewpoint Transmitter; Cable 10.0 m (32.8 ft)
Accessories: Sampling cell with 1/4" male connectors DMT242SC2
Standard package for DMT143

Model: HMT310-3A5A1BCK14BBDA1B2
Humidity and Temperature Transmitter

Model: MMT330-8V0E101PCAE100B02DNBAA1
Oil Moisture And Temperature Transmitter

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